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The strategy

by admin

Strategy of the association until 2030

The association was registered at the Ministry of social solidarity – Giza No. 5452 at the end of 2014 and the situation was reconciled based on Law No. 149 of 2019 on 15/10/2022.‏


To become one of the main national authorities in the field of evaluation at the national level, and to be an important player in the regional (Arab / African) and international evaluation community.‏

The message

Spreading the culture of evaluation in Egypt, working to create a supportive environment for institutionalizing (institutionalizing) evaluation, and to make decisions based on facts at all levels and in all fields, supporting efforts to build and develop the necessary qualified competencies in various fields of evaluation, and making evaluation in Egypt a profession practiced based on specific competencies and skills.‏

Our values

- Transparency, credibility, continuing education
- Impartiality, quality, mastery
- Cooperation with all partners, continuity
- Support young people and women, for an early start

Strategic objective

Contribute to the development of follow-up and evaluation of development programs and projects, institutional evaluation, policy evaluation and evaluation of the development impact of each of them. ‏


Contribute to the development of follow-up and evaluation of development programs and projects, institutional evaluation, policy evaluation and evaluation of the development impact of each of them. ‏